Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tues. Feb. 28

From a now dark, but not late MO,

Today has gone by quickly. The girls were restless again last night. They needed to go out about 3:30 and I decided to return them to their crate - no problem here. About 30 minutes later, I heard one of them fussing so decided I would put them in bed with me. A little later they weren't just fussing, they were barking and I then heard Jim coughing downstairs. I decided to let him enjoy their company and turned them loose on him.

I didn't get moving until almost 8:00 this a.m. and after fixing French toast for breakfast, we were out doing errands with the girls tucked into their carrier (in the backseat of the truck.) They do so enjoy going with us.

The weather has been great today - am thinking KC may have reached the 70s and we were not too far behind. It is terribly dry (very little snow this winter) and we do need a good rain. We have been having some fires in the rural areas around us - none big, but we don't need any!

Jim dozed some this afternoon and I puttered with the rug hooking - usually with at least one daughter on my lap.

I joined the ladies (Helen, Mary W., Peggy, Kay Green, and Marna) for dessert. Afterwards I decided to drive over to the track (already half way there) and see what was going on. The vaulters had helped get the pallets in place and were working on getting the standards in place. After several frustrations, the feat was finally accomplished. I am thinking that tomorrow they will try to get some of the "weight" people to help them haul the porta pits and get them in place - or they may wait a few days as Jim doesn't let them go up until they do some refreshing of proper procedures.

Jim will join at least one of the groups for breakfast in the a.m. and then we will go to Chris' funeral at 10:30. I really need to do some housework afterwards and Jim will be going over to the track in the afternoon.

Be safe.


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