Monday, February 27, 2006

Mon. Feb. 27

From a now dark and comfortable MO,

This has been a rather active day - more than I had anticipated. Jim was moving before 7:00 this a.m. and I finally dragged out after 8:00. Jim was heading out to do errands by a little before 9:00 and I had the girls tucked into the car and was soon following - except with my own list. I really didn't have that much to do, but went by the post office, returned a book to the library and also had a bag full of plastic bags from HyVee and WalMart (they use them when patrons check out several books, etc.), went by Scott Stephens' office and set up an a time to get taxes done, and then finally was back home. Later, Jim and I put the girls in the crate in the back seat of the truck and did another series of errands - we seem to let them accumulate over the weekend.

Jim did call the VA in Columbia today and some paperwork will be sent his way. He has been going to do this since maybe before Christmas. He also called the local Social Security office and has an appointment with Jan Pyrtle to discuss his upcoming arrival of the age of 65.

He didn't want to have lunch so I made impromptu calls to Pat, Sandy, and Mary to see about gathering at the Pizza Hut for lunch - Pat and Sandy were free so we had a good conversation over lunch. Mary had just gotten food on the table for Ron.

Pat, Mary, and I left a little after 2:45 for Bosworth to the infamous fabric store there. I had never been there before and there must be tons of assorted fabrics. She had a few bolts of 100% wool left and I ended up with maybe a yard from six bolts. I have the last color grouping in the dryer now - have been washed in hot water and then put through the dryer. We were back in town by maybe 4:30 or thereabouts.

I am reading a book (loaned to me by Pat) about a young French girl during World War II. The author was recently the "guest" author at the local middle school. She (Kimberly Brubaker Bradley) told how her husband kept insisting that she visit with the mother of a co-worker of his about her experiences in France during WWII. The book is written for a junior high level and I became caught up in it within the first few pages. I am now on page 90 of 181. I'm not sure I'll finish tonight, but will hopefully finish sometime on Tuesday.

Jim went over to the track after practice had begun today. He came home all pumped up with the reception the female pole vaulters from last year gave him. He is still hurting a great deal, but the girls made him look forward to working with them.

We don't have too many items on the agenda for Tuesday. Jim will go to track practice at some point and I will join the ladies for dessert at 4:00. At some time during the day, we will go by Lindley Funeral Home to sign the registry book for Chris Earley. Such a shame to have him gone!

Be safe.


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