Saturday, May 27, 2006

Sat. May 27

From a sunny, warmish MO,

This has been a full day - again. I had indulged in a diet coke when I went to Bucklin on Friday afternoon (left here about 3:00) and sleep just wouldn't come last night. I know I was still tossing and turning after midnight - just old age.

We slept in this a.m. as the girls didn't get my attention the second time until almost 7:00. I was nice enough that I fixed French toast this a.m., then we puttered until time to pack the plastic bottles of water on ice - then head to Bucklin.

Grace Ann and her family were already there doing a few more "tweaking" of things. She had decided a few weeks ago that maybe the young children would prefer hotdogs to shredded pork or beef and this really was a hit to the many young ones in attendance - probably a dozen to 15. They had their own special corner with all kinds of inexpensive games and activities - probably made watching them a lot easier for moms and dads.

The oldest person (age 98) arrived about the time we did with his wife. He is really sharp mentally and seems to have good use of his eyes - just a little trouble with hearing. He had not seen the large family tree that his daughter and son-in-law had made - and of course was quite impressed (as were all others in attendance.) I am guessing we probably had 70 or more adults (counting teens) in attendance - quite nice as Grace Ann and I had thought maybe 40. Harvey (one of my first cousins had made wooden gifts for various categories - oldest, youngest, greatest distance, etc.) Of the eight children that survived infancy or in the case of one had died soon after Vicksburg - four children were represented with descendants being present. Several had brought old family photos which the others of us had not seen - so it was an interesting day.

We left there about 4:00 as almost all the clean-up had been done. I need to call Grace Ann tomorrow to get some details so I can write a follow-up article for the Brookfield and Macon newspapers as they had been good to have an article about six weeks ago about the reunion.

We don't have specific plans for Sunday other than using it as a day of rest - just what the old bones need.

We tried taking photos of the family tree and easels - if they have turned out, I'll put them on the blog if they are understandable.

Be safe.


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