Thursday, March 01, 2007

Thurs. March 1

From an overcast, blustery, cold MO,

We had quite a Wednesday evening watching the Texas/A&M basketball game - Texas finally won in the second overtime - meaning it was also late to get to bed for us.

There were seven ladies at breakfast this a.m. - am not sure if I should count myself as a lady, but maybe I have a few people fooled - Pat, Mary W., Clara, Ellen, Margaret, Sandy, and yours truly. The topics of conversation were numerous - A.N.Smith, media, local schools, books, off to Florida, grandchildren, etc., etc., etc. We didn't get too splintered in our conversations this a.m. as we could hear this smaller group quite well.

Jim and I walked at the Y when I returned home, cleaned up, went to the Steakhouse for lunch (gyros and side salad), dozed this afternoon, and in general have been bemoaning the blustery wind outside.

When I first turned the tv on this a.m., KC indicated it had been 50 there at 5:00 a.m. and by 6:00 had already dropped to the upper 30s! They (as well as us) had lots of rain last night. I think the Grand River was already out so can't imagine how much higher after the torrential downpour of last night.

Jim joins the second breakfast group in the morning and I am heading to the United Church Women's meeting to try to answer any questions relative to our local Mobile Meals - or at least the part that I work with. I don't anticipate being there long. They have some other activities planned, but I intend to leave when I am done.

Be safe.


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