Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tues. June 20 - belated

Actually this is Wednesday a.m. and I am finally moving.

We had a usual day on Tuesday and Jim even took me to the bowling alley for a sandwich and salad for lunch.

He was a Dr. Eden's for an evening meal - made last plans for their upcoming Canada trip. The large wooden coffin will be picked up at 9:00 on Monday a.m. and then they will pack the coffin on Wednesday evening - all ready for an early morning Thursday departure.

I had my nose in a good book on Mary Boleyn last night and just couldn't put it down until I was finished - after 10:00 - then went to sleep. I slept hard enough that I didn't hear the girls during the night. Jim was moving a little after 5:00 and took them outside - then they bounded on the bed to spend several hours with me.

I'll be back with you later today.

Be safe.


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