
Saturday, August 23, 2008

July 31-Aug 22

From a rainy MO,

We have had a relatively quiet August - until yesterday. Jim has seen a foot doctor - the early part of August - about an ugly toenail - treatment will continue for numerous weeks.

We have watched many hours of Olympics and sometimes frustrated that we goofed and discovered outcome before an event was on tv.

We have a new entry to our home. We had the old sidewalk and front steps torn out and now we have a concrete slope to our entry - with a railing to keep someone from falling off. We had the concrete and railing work done by others, but Jim has spent hours building a nice decorative concrete block wall along much of it. Many bags of rocks have gone into this area.

About 3 weeks ago Jim commented about not having any hearing in his right ear - sort of all of a sudden. Yesterday morning he returned from breakfast saying he was really tired and since we were going to Smithville last night to a football jamboree, I just encouraged him to go to the bedroom in the basement and take a good, long nap. I decided to turn in upstairs with the girls and it wasn't long that Abby seemed to hear something and when I listened more closely realized the sound was not a usual tv sound from the basement.

When we got to the basement, Jim had the covers off the bed and was soaked in sweat. I called the doctor's office and they were booked solid so I was told to get him to the emergency room. I couldn't believe it when he readily agreed to go. We had quite a time getting him up the stairs to the main level and even then I had pulled out his walker and he used this to get to the car. I went into the emergency room and asked for help when I got him to the hospital.

He was quite upset at my driving - claimed I was going too fast - was actually going about 10 mph, but he felt as if I was going in circles. Had a period of dry heaves as we were going the few blocks to the ER.

After 4 hours - multiple tests - blood, EKG, chest x-ray, head CT, being monitored, etc., it was decided that his inner ear was giving him problems. He was on an IV for most of the time we were there along with some anti-nausea medication - and he ended up walking out of the hospital.

We went out for a drive later and he had no problems with motion - and enjoyed the chocolate milk-shake.

He slept in this a.m. and indicated he had a rough night because of an almost migraine headache. I am sure we will sleep some today.

Needless to say, he was frustrated at not going to Smithville even though Dr. Metry said he would yell for us.

On this coming Monday we make a trip to see his Ear, Nose, Throat doctor (has been scheduled for about 3 weeks) and on Tuesday, both of us have dental check-ups - should be routine. Jim is scheduled to see his heart doctor in about two weeks for his yearly check-in. Bloodwork has already been done for that visit so we'll see what he says.

We hope to go to Marshall this coming Friday for a football game and then get back on schedule for Friday night games.

We have also attended a funeral for a cousin on my mom's side of the family. He was a year older than mom.

The latter part of September we are going to a wedding on my dad's side of the family. Jim usually is hesitant about weddings, but the groom to be prevailed on him how nice it would be for us to attend.

Be safe.