Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tues. Sept. 12

From an overcast, coolish, MO,

The four of us walked this a.m. - the full 1.25 mile surface street walk. The girls always love this and even though they hold up well during the walk, they are ready for a nap when they get home. I guess they see so many stimulating things while walking that tiredness doesn't set in.

After cleaning up and having our oatmeal, Jim and I headed to HyVee with a lengthy (for us) grocery list and also to take advantage of the senior discount. With the HyVee coupon, gas was ten cents off today - making the regular with ethanol 2. 29.9 and the regular 2.31.9.

Because of the discount, we decided to make a quick trip to the Amish store just south of Jamesport. We bought some Havarti cheese there last week and it is delicious - maybe too delicious. We bought a larger batch this week. I do enjoy toasted cheese sandwiches at times. I also picked up some split peas and will make some split pea soup on Wednesday - leftovers are in the offing for supper tonight.

Jim is now mowing the yard with the riding lawnmower - actually probably not all of it, but from inside it sounds as if he has changed his mind and will do most of the yard. We are due some more moisture this coming weekend so it probably wise to get it mowed.

The CT last night indicated that the two people killed (murder and suicide) were from Brookfield - neither name was familiar with me.

We went to the Boji Stone for lunch today and had quiche and salad - very tasty.

Jim will rejoin the 7:30 group for breakfast on Wednesday a.m. (he is really looking forward to this as he hasn't been with them since June 21. I feel sure he will also join the second group as well. He sees Dr. Kozminski tomorrow afternoon to have the new implant inserted into his arm - with the old one being removed. Thank goodness for insurance as the price quoted the other day was $7,000.

Be safe.


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