Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mon. & Tues. April 9 & 10

From a now rainy and still somewhat cool MO,

Monday seemed like an active day for us. I was at the RSVP office a little after 8:00 and helped Ron some with the usual Monday activities as I wrote the hospital check, balanced the monthly checkbook, and did the xeroxing. He had a few more changes than I had last week on the computer so we timed it quite well - we were walking out in one hour.

Jim had decided to go fishing after he had been to the Y so the girls and I had the house somewhat to ourselves. I received the message that a new ink cartridge was needed and I had been waiting for that as I wanted to run a new printout on the family tree and new it would take many pages - 161 pages for what I have on 16 generations. While this was running, I took the time to also run the vacuum cleaner upstairs and do some dusting - just never managed to make it to the main bathroom.

I have started a new author for me - a fictional history series by C.J. Sanson. The first book is DISSOLUTION. At this time there are two more books in the series. I started the book on Monday, but have yet to turn a page today.

We walked a little after 7:00 this a.m. I had a meeting relative to finding a "back-up" for our back-up for Mobile Meals. Betty P. has the job that I would go crazy with - taking phone calls for new recipients (also getting their address and food needs), making changes, contacting the hospital, keeping track of who owes money for meals, etc., etc., etc. Anyway she needs a back-up and at this time it would be mainly to contact the hospital when Betty has to leave early for a doctor's appointment in KC. The meeting was in the Baptist Home and it was the first time I had been in their facility.

Jim and I took the girls to the vet's this a.m. for their yearly shots and also the dosage for kennel cough. Jim dropped me off at HyVee afterwards and sat in the truck with the girls while I did my weekly shopping at HyVee. We then came home and after items had been put away, we made a trip to the Steakhouse for lunch. Jim Beemer came in shortly afterwards and was in the booth behind us. When we realized he was going to be alone, he joined us in our booth. We hadn't visited with James in a long time so it was a very nice time. He is gaining more and more usage with his right arm that took a hit when he fell from a step stool several weeks ago.

I have dozed this afternoon with the girls. Abby doesn't seem to have any effects from the shots, but Trixie is sore. I lifted her up on the bed and also down when we got up. She had to be strongly encouraged to go outside to do her thing, and then came in through the basement. I wondered where she was and looked down the stairs - and there she was looking up - so I went down to the basement and carried her up. She is now on her daddy's lap with a dry towel over her.

The only thing on the agenda for Wednesday will be the two breakfast groups that Jim joins. I may go to HyVee and join Pat and Jerry - will just see how the morning goes.

I made a new recipe this afternoon (before going down for a nap.) A couple of weeks ago when I was at HyVee, Doug L. was there on the pretext of picking up the ingredients for taco soup. The ingredients were a little different from the recipe that I use (has white and yellow hominy rather than corn) so I e-mailed his source of the recipe and have now made it. It think maybe I would prefer a little more diced tomatoes as compared to one can of Rotel, but we will see this evening. I may even make some corn muffins to go with it - will see where the energy level is at 5:00 - just looked at the clock on the computer and guess we are there already.

Be safe.


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