Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sun., Mon, & Tues -- April 1-3

From a sunny, WINDY, cooler MO,

The weather has changed from lovely spring to reminding us that it can still be nippy. I am wondering what is going to happen to so many young plants as we are to have three or four mornings in the mid 20s! My peonies are probably at least 6 to 8 inches in height right now, tulips are blooming, apple tree has blossoms ready to burst, etc.

We have had some busy, but not frenetic days. We basically lounged on Sunday - recovering from being up late on Saturday night to watch the two basketball games. Actually Jim did meet John at 10:00 and they spent the late morning and afternoon fishing at Indian Creek - claimed they caught fish, but didn't bring any home. I did get a phone call from my cousin, Harvey and his wife, wondering if they could meet me in Brookfield. They had been visiting his sister and then were going to spend a little time with Aunt Maxine. We had a delightful visit. It has been several years since I've been around them in a small group and we had a lot of catching up to do.

I had computer work for Mobile Meals on Monday and that went smoothly. Ruth Benson came by to help and that knocks off a good 30 minutes of time to be spent doing the needed items. Afterwards, I ran a few errands - eventually including a trip to vet's to get more Heartgard for the girls. Danny happened to be there and when he found out that Jim was fishing at Joe Shelby (just south of the Meadville junction) he had to share with me a "hot" fishing spot for Jim. I decided to take it on over to JS and Jim was just getting his boat in the water. We stayed up last night to watch the basketball game - then had a loud storm go through our area during the early morning hours.

Today has been busy for both of us. We slept in this a.m., walked at the Y, and then the errands began. We had enough that we decided to go separate ways and even then it took me close to two hours to get all the needed things done - but I feel a lot better now.

Today is city and county election day for us. I will go to the Grand River Inn this evening to catch the election results - have never done this before, but Chuck H. had called. I am not expecting Jim to go as I am sure something is good on tv - there is always something good to be found on tv for Jim.

We had planned on going to Marshall this afternoon for the track meet, but with temps in the 50s and a cold wind from the north, we decided to stay home. I had bought some hamburger at HyVee this a.m. and have a meatloaf as well as baking potatoes in the oven. It is beginning to smell good so I need to prepare the "fresh" asparagus.

We don't have a great deal planned for the rest of the week - breakfast out for Jim on Wednesday and Friday and I join the ladies on Thursday for breakfast. Pat and I are toying with going to St. Joseph on Friday as each of us need to get a wedding gift for an upcoming wedding - plus we enjoy checking out the antique mall and some craft stores.

Be safe.


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