Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sat. & Sun. April 7 & 8

From a sunny, but crisp MO,

Saturday was rather a quiet day for us - walked at the Y, did several errands, slept the middle part of the day, cooked the smoked turkey and had some for supper - absolutely delicious.

I had thought today (Sunday) would be quiet, but Jim decided he wanted to see "The Namesake" at the AMC theater in south KC - 119th and I-35. There was an early (10:45) showing so we went to that and then headed to WilJenny's at 135th and Metcalf. We did go to the Half Price bookstore near the AMC and found a few books that we had been looking for - at a good price. After WilJenny's we made a stop at the Barnes and Noble in Town Center - then came home. We bought at quart of salsa at WilJenny's for Don has he loves it. He has already been by to pick it up.

Jim has mowed the yard since we returned while I am on a second load of laundry - plus putting books away that we bought today. I'm thinking the second in the Tudor series is on tonight - and I hope I can stay awake long enough to watch it.

We had a phone call from Marceline today while we were gone and I've returned the call and left a message. A relative on my mom's side of the family is quite ill.

I am helping Ron W. at the RSVP office in the a.m. - primarily to save him the time of xeroxing. Beyond that, I need to do a few errands - and then will curl up in the recliner to begin a series by Sansom on a three part mystery relative to Henry VIII. Sue J. had recommeded the third book (only one the library has) and I found the first one at the Half Price Bookstore today and the second one at Barnes and Noble.

Be safe.


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