Saturday, April 05, 2008

March 24-April 5

From what should become a beautiful spring day in MO --

We have had a busy two weeks - or at least busy two old geezers/ I can't remember if the last blog indicated going to a library community forum on the late afternoon/early evening of March 24. We didn't have very many people show up, but those who did had excellent questions and were invited to tour the library afterwards.

I did the computer work for Mobile Meals on the 31st and have done envelopes each Friday - the latter doesn't take long to do - I just need to remember to do them.

We've had our Retired Teachers' scholarship meeting and the recipient has been selected. I've written the appropriate notes (after initially getting the 1st alternate and 2nd alternate reported wrong even though I had written them down correctly - old age and poor sleeping habits). All of I have to do now is to get Mr. Meek's signature and get the certificate delivered to the high school. This would have been done, but Mr. Meek fell in Colorado last week and ended up breaking an arm just above the wrist - needed a metal plate, etc.

Jim had a good examination from Dr. Kozminski and had good reports on both the PSA and bone scan.

We had a triangular track meet on the 25th (here), hosted Marshall (here) on the 1st and had a full afternoon at the local Joe Shy relays on the 4th. At least the temperature was tolerable yesterday as we were quite uncomfortably cold on the first two track meets just mentioned. Yesterday it was cool when the sun was behind the cloud, but at least a winter coat (with hood) wasn't required.

Jim has been puttering with getting the riding lawn mower started - so far has failed - so will need to take it out to be serviced this coming week. He usually takes it to be checked after the last fall mowing, but didn't get it done this past fall. It doesn't seem possible, but the grass is growing in spite of the cool spring that we have experienced.

We were quite disappointed at the Texas loss last weekend so we will watch the Final Four with not quite as much excitement.

We have three track meets coming up in the next couple of weeks - this Tuesday at Maryville, next Tuesday at Cameron and the following Friday at Excelsior Springs. Rain is being discussed for this Tuesday so we may do a second thought about driving to Maryville and sitting out in the rain - I'm going to have to feel a lot better than I do today to want to go.

Our election is this Tuesday. Various school districts in our county will be electing board members and we have an issue on the ballot to renovate the county libary. It was built in the 19teens as a post office and a Federal court house. The library moved into the building in the 1960s. You can imagine the condition of the operating system of the building - electrical, plumbing, heating, a/c, climate control for old records, needing of a new elevator, ADA compliance - and the list continues. It is really a marvelous building with the basic framework in very good shape, just needs to come into the modern world. The sad thing is that if a new library was built, about the same amount of money would be needed if the existing building was brought up to date for other public uses - so it is cheaper in the long run to keep the library where it is - just modernize.

I have potato soup going in the crockpot for supper tonight. I resent being in the kitchen cooking when something good is on tv. I seldom find much on tv that I enjoy so don't want to lose an opportunity when it comes around.

Be safe.


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