Sunday, March 09, 2008

March 2-9

From an almost spring MO,

Actually I have plants beginning to show themselves - finally we may make it into spring. I went out and checked on what I call surprise lillies and noticed that they are maybe a couple of inches above the ground now. I was afraid that I might have lost them with the late freeze last year - and Jim mowing them down repeatedly that the second growth never came up last summer.

We really haven't done very much - made a quick trip to the new Bass Pro this past week that is southwest of the Independence shopping mall, made a stop at Barnes and Noble, and ate at Longhorn Steakhouse on the way home.

I was scheduled for the Mobile Meals computer work on Monday and I had a library building committee meeting on Thursday (this is the meeting I went to a week early). Charles Adams died a week ago and usually did the Mobile Meal envelopes on Friday, but I filled in the past week until we decide as to who will do this on a weekly basis. It is really the easiest thing to do - takes about 15 minutes and then the envelopes have to be taken to the kitchen area of our local hospital. Another plus of the Friday project is that it could be done anytime on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday - just so the hospital has the envelopes by Sunday afternoon.

I am joining our library director on Monday evening at our city council meeting to go over the upcoming bond issue for renovation of the library. She has to stay objective, but I can be subjective - which will be easy for me.

We have watched a lot of basketball on Saturday and again today - as well as indoor track from Spain. I have finished several chemo hats during this time.

We are turning in early this evening and I plan to read myself to sleep.

Be safe.


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