Saturday, September 22, 2007

Sept. 16-22

From a sunny and glorious fall day in MO,

This has been a rather full week for us. I had the computer work for Mobile Meals on Monday, but with Ruth's help, we were done in a little over an hour - she is such a delight.

We really didn't do that much the rest of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday - of course Jim made both breakfast groups on Wednesday.

We left about 8:00 on Thursday to head to Liberty as Jim had a 9:30 appointment with his cardiologist. Other than a shock with what the scales showed, all else was fine. We made a trip to Borders and then to Sam's - finally coming back to Liberty to first go by the doctor's building at the hospital to leave one of Jim's hearing aids - something is broken as when he leaves the battery in the aide - it won't turn off. Afterwards we went to O'Charley's to eat.

We were back in Chillicothe before 3:00 - tired, but not necessarily exhausted, but when evening came around we were conked out by 8:00. The girls must have had a big day without us as I didn't hear them until 6:00 the following morning.

We went to see the football game between Chillicothe and Platte County on Friday evening. The temperature was about 90 and the humidity felt at least that high as well. The game started, but by the second quarter, lightning could be seen in the north and the players and coaches were ushered off the field to the dressing rooms and the stands were cleared. We eventually made it out of the stands and headed to the truck - with the help of Charles E. He was a lifesaver in carrying Jim's padded seat as Jim worked his way down from the bleachers.

At first we thought we might sit the storm out, but we opted to go home and listen on the radio - we must be getting old! There was a good delay - am guessing 30 to 45 minutes - and we did have quite a lightning storm that arrived along with a little rain. We sat up for awhile when the game resumed and then decided we would listen from the comfort of our bed - then Jim awakened to music playing and must confess we didn't know how the game ended until this morning. Platte County is considerably larger than us and will be in the next division up next year - and has state ranking this year. I think we lost by one touchdown - so not too bad - just wish we could have won in our last meeting with them.

Oh, yes, we did go to the Y on Friday a.m. and I walked a mile rather easily - first time probably since May, and Jim walked on the treadmill.

We slept in today and then did a few errands. Dustin M. came and did more sanding on our deck yesterday (had started roofing at 4:30 a.m.) so he didn't last too long. He is back now.

We are watching football on tv today primarily. Jim is hoping that USC is on tonight.

We have two major activities this coming week. Jim gets the implant replaced in his arm on Wednesday and then we will go to Savannah on Friday evening to see the football game. We are toying with going to Waverly on Monday to get some apples and also some more butternut squash.

Be safe.


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